Day 1: The 10 Things We Cover and Meet Clare Graves
Day 1 Meaning from Memes + Jay Fiset Mastermind to Millions
Day 1 Memes Example + Becoming the Person You Were Meant to Be
Day 1 Building Your Playbook
Day 2 Playbook + Spiral Dynamics Mindset
Day 2 Connections + Playbook (Congruence Between Who and Whom)
Day 2 Colours (Blue and Green) + Anatomy of a Spiral Dynamics Analysis
Day 3 Morning Q&A + Colours (Yellow and Turquoise)
Day 3 Playbook
Special Guest Speaker: Derek Doepker
Day 3 Colours (Beige, Purple, Red)
Day 3 Playbook + 5 Levels of Understanding + Wrap Up
BONUS Political Research Call